Sunday 14 December 2014


 Hi Friends this is about to 2 and half month to go, I am in Indore.
      Indore is the largest city of Madhya Pradesh (India), now it has been described as the commercial capital of the state, Indore is also known as the mini Mumbai. The maximum Industry of Indore situated in Pithampur about 50 km in west. And in Pithampur there is a place called Indorama where my company Shakti Pumps is situated, in this company I am in R&D Department, my work is quite interesting and hopefully I am enjoying it.
Solar Water Pump
With work, I am also enjoying Indore and this Sunday I went to khajrana mandir Indore it is situated in the middle of Indore, this temple is dedicated to the Hindu God "Shi Ganesh ji" and the histy of the temple is about 300 years old, It is believed that in order to safe guard the idol from Aurangzeb, the idol was hidden in a well and in 1735, it was taken out from the well and thereafter, the temple was established by Ahilyabai Holkar of the Holkar dynasty of the Maratha Empire. 
Picture of the temple 
This Temple is equally famous in India as well as in abroad also. And the most interesting thing about the temple is that  this temple is regularly receives money, gold, diamonds and other precious jewels as well in the form of donation. The gate of the temple and the outer wall and the upper wall of the Garbhagriha are made of Silver and different moods and festivals are depicted on it. The eyes of the deity are made of Diamonds which were donated by one of the business man of Indore.
!!Main gate of the Temple!!
Jai mata dee!!!
MaTa Temple
Art on the wall of the Temple
Shri Bhaihrav Mandir
Shadu playing music
Temple from the street
And yes after seeing IIT Indore, I was missing IIT Delhi and my Friends too, it made me crying.
IIT Indore
After come back from the temple I went to the market with my friend Piyush Patidar and we enjoyed a delicious dish of Indore known as Dhahi Puri. I like to eat it.
Dhahi Puri
looking nice isn't it ???
Girls are enjoying there food


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